Mission Opportunities

The Net Missions will be the third Saturday of each month from 10:00 a.mm to 11 p.m. Personal hygiene items, such as shampoo, toothpaste, etc. will be handed out to anyone in need. You can donate to The Net Missions by going to the Give page and select The Net Missions in the Drop down box. We also offer seasonal clothing giveaways, school supplies, and more as we see the need arise. The most important thing we can offer anyone is a personal relationship with their creator and savior Jesus Christ. Please let people in need know about this program!


For Updates and Information and Weekly Devotions click on the link below to access The Net Missions Facebook page.

In 2019 Nortonville Baptist partnered with Ignite Missions Honduras and went on our first mission trip. Ignite Missions had a wonderful Compound in the Mountains of Honduras. It makes it possible for us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the wonderful people of Honduras. We have provided VBS for the children, youth events, men's and women's disciple, sponsors pastors of Ignites 6 church plants, and leadership training. We would love for you to join us on one of our future trips.

Preaching in one of their Church Plants

VBS for the Children

Distribute Bibles

Providing Backpacks to Families

Loving on the Community